Hey everyone! I cannot believe I've let over a month lapse between blog posts. It's not that we have been maxing and relaxing the past month and a half and just had absolutely nothing to talk about...that's not even close.
In the past month and a half we have celebrated Christmas with both sides of the family, CLOSED on our first house, painted and fixed up our new house, moved my sister from the dorm into her new apartment, and I have started my master's degree.
First things first, the house. We are so excited to finally call it ours. We have painted almost every room, hung curtains and pictures, and moved in some things. We were all set for Jason to move in last weekend when we got the single most idiotic cable guy in the northern hemisphere who just refused to hook up our cable. Naturally, one cannot live in a house with no cable (not to mention that that same "one" and two helpers *cough cough my dad and stepdad* laid our plasma FLAT letting all the precious plasmaness fall to its death, ruining our practically new 46" flat screen...sigh). Nevertheless, we are going to press on with what we have, and a gift from my dad, and should get cable this weekend so Jason can move in within the next week or two. Jason is going to have the girliest bachelor pad in Senatobia for about 4 more months until I finally can move in to play house!
On to the next major event. My mom and I helped my sister find an apartment and move her in all in about an 8 hour time span. Liza still had her dorm room, but some unforeseen circumstances came up and we had to move her out early. We moved her out of her dorm room so fast one would have thought we were stealing. She is much happier in her new abode and we are happy for her to be out of the 12X12 cell they call a dorm room! When she comes home this weekend I'll have her send me some pictures so I can post an all picture blog since I'm overwording you all in this one.
SCHOOL--ahhhhh. A week and a half ago I started back to school to pursue my master's in nursing education. I am so excited to finally be on the last leg of my school adventure. This is going to take me about 3 more years and while I am none-too-thrilled about this long process, I know this is the last leg of the journey. The good thing about this program is there is no summer school. While I would love to finish earlier, I think it will be a good change of pace for me to have the entire summer off...especially this summer since we will be newlyweds!! I was talking to one of my best friends the other day (she and I are both professional students) who is in pharmacy school and we just cannot figure out what possessed up to pursue careers that require so much school...but it will pay off in the long run!
This weekend is going to be extremely busy and I couldn't be more excited! Liza is coming home and I haven't seen in her almost 2 weeks which feels like 2 years! Friday night we are going out with a big group of friends for one of Jason's groomsmen's birthday and Saturday night we have a couples shower. Hooray!
As far as wedding plans, we have got the last of the "big" details done. We ordered our cakes (GREAT deal from The Candy Shoppe in Southaven) and ordered our invitations. We opted to order invitations and have them printed, rather then ordering them already printed as my dear father almost had a stroke when we priced the already printed invites from a seemingly reasonable stationary place in Memphis. The only other things we have to do are minor details--get the favors in order (we are doing a "candy bar" rather than traditional favors which is where the guests fill their bags with their favorite candy) and to nail down the details of the flowers and catering. I am letting my mom handle the decorating part, well she is bouncing ideas off of me and I am saying yay or nay...this seems easier than me trying to come up with things on my own. I have too much swimming around up there! I am getting really excited, but just wish it would hurry up already!
Last, but not least, I do solemnly swear to post pictures and updates sooner, especially before/after house pictures and pictures from this weekend. Don't stray too far, people, I'm back!