Sunday, February 27, 2011

Engagement Pictures

Today Jason and I had the privilege of working with our fabulous wedding photographer for the first time. Mrs. Sherry Ross went above and beyond our expectations and we had such a wonderful time taking pictures. We did some at the beautiful new nursing building in town, then went on to Hernando to the square and then to play in the park. Jason and I knew we wanted to take a few pictures on the swings and while he was pushing me, I almost flipped over the bar. Note to self--do not let Jason push future children in swing. ;) Anyway, you can check out a few of the proofs on facebook-Sherry Ross Photography- or they are tagged to my photos. I did add one to the header of our blog because I am so in love with it. I cannot wait to see the rest of our pictures and for June! Everyone have a great week!