Well folks, it's official. Jason and I put an offer on the house we fell in love with on Sunday, the people countered back and all terms were agreed upon this evening. I don't think I can officially say we are "home owners" at this point because we still have to go through home inspection, termite inspection, final appraisal, and closing before we can call it "home", but we are definitely closer. EDC (estimated date of closing) is December 17, 2010.
I am not as stressed at this point because we thought it out and prayed about it. The house is also $20,000 less than the top of our budget which is FABULOUS. Now I am stressing about what I'm going to put where, what colors I'm going to paint, and how I'm going to fill a 1900 square foot house when we have about 3 pieces of furniture to our name...two of which are tv's. Guess we and the tv's will sit alone in the big ole' house for a while! Ha..just kidding. My parents and other family members have already been more than generous in offering up furniture to help us start our humble abode.
I do not have pictures right now, but hopefully we will be able to go back this weekend and I can take some "before" pictures. I will definitely need some opinions from you experienced house decorators when I start trying to spruce up everything. I hope everyone has a great week!